Taaban Qestir
At a glance
33 | 7'2" (218.5 cm) |
He / Him | Bisexual (Single) |
PLD / RDM | Chef / Bartender |
Common knowledge and potential hooks for RP
Taaban tends bar.
His main residence is at the Catnip Club, but he has been known to take temporary drink mixing gigs elsewhere. He's very open to being hired!Taaban cooks.
While he's handy with almost any manner of culinary method, he favors sweets and desserts above the rest. He is also never without a recent confection on him, like caramels or chocolates, which he gives away freely to friends and strangers alike.Taaban always wears a mask.
While he will remove it now and then for food or drink, it's on his terms. His souring at those that might insist on its removal is not an uncommon sight.
Born to a mother and father of no note, in a plain encampment that often moved from rise to rise, Taaban's life was all set to be just as mundane. Due to the affinity he showed for the bow he picked up at a very young age, he was thrust into the pipeline of men and women chosen to guard and keep Reunion safe for other tribes and foreigners alike. It was an honor that came with representing his stoic people's ways of silence and restraint, and one he took very seriously..

..But curiosity is a funny thing, and one that bloomed uninhibited in his mind early on. Though many from his tribe chose the rejection of words so wholly that they
A few notes on RP:
Please speak up if the RP isn't to your taste. Not everything works, and there won't be any hard feelings.
Keep it light and fun. Drama isn't enjoyed, unless that's the focus of the RP!
No real life crossover or relationship is desired.
Be adult, or at least over the age of 18.
This is a collection of answers from the #WoLQotD tag on Twitter
This is a very lengthy list, and may contain duplicate/similar answers.
At the beginning of Stormblood, the WoL was badly defeated by Zenos. Did your WoL get badly wounded in your canon? Where? How long did it take to heal? Or was there permanent damage?
Physically he escaped serious harm, but mentally it altered his approach and attitude. His bow was essentially shattered, leading him to brood and reconsider it as his preferred weapon, eventually steering him toward sword and shield.Does your WoL smoke weed?
Probably? He doesn't regularly do it, but he won't turn it down.Did your WoL find what they were looking for?
Power? Love? Money? Glory? Are they happy?
Ultimately, after it all, Taaban would probably be very melancholy (if not outright depressed). From the outset, his participation was mostly obligatory, and shifted to helping people. With a purpose gone, it's a very scattered-to-the-wind vibe.What would be your WoL's catchphrase when you select them in the Trust menu?
"Mmhmm."What was their age when they started their adventure? (ARR or 1.0), & what's their age now, after Endwalker?
25 at the start, 31-32 at the end.What does your WOL do to comfort/reassure themselves when they're not feeling/doing their best?
Taaban seeks out places where no one knows him (or with obscuring costume), to try to regain some semblance of neutrality. Most times, those feelings for him are born of his 'status' and disappearing from that spot light does wonders. Can't disappoint those without expectations!Who are your WoL’s parents and are they still involved in their life?
Taaban hadn't seen his parents for a few years before heading off-steppe, but given his choice to leave, and the results of others leaving before him, he imagines they wouldn't be very welcoming of him coming back. Perhaps his actions while gone have earned him reconsideration?Where was your WoL born? Were they raised elsewhere?
Taaban was born and raised on the steppe, as a traditional Qestir archer. He spent his life training to have his turn guarding Reunion, only to fall victim to stories and excitement from adventurers passing through. Eventually he packed it all up and headed west!It's karaoke night at Limsa's plaza, and it's your WoL's turn.
What are they singing? Do they grab a buddy to sing with them, another WoL, an NPC? Are they good, or do they get pity applause? How much do they into their song?
You would have to drag Taaban up there by a horn to get him anywhere near a microphone. That or get him positively plastered!Does your WoL have any hobbies? When did they take them up and why?
Taaban is a huge Triple Triad fiend, ever since he was given a few cards back home by passers-through. He didn't know what to do with them or how to get more, but they had cool pictures of monsters and one had an old man with a big beard on them.How does your WoL handle the heat?
Poorly! Being cold is a much easier problem to solve than being hot. After all, you can pile on the clothing, but you can only take so much off in the heat!How does your WoL handle the cold?
Rather well! While he's used to mild climates, he took to his time in Coerthas rather well, and even (eventually) has a place there of his own. And if need be, he'll happily wrap himself in a few blankets by a fire!What relevance does your WoL's class have to them as a person? Why did they take up the job that they did?
After a severe humiliation at the hand of mister apathetic, Taaban took up a more physically-appropriate job, trading his bow for something that put his size and sturdy nature to good use, like a sword and shield.**Of all the Scions, who's your WOL's confident and/or best friend?
Or is their confident another NPC? **
Taaban is really close with G'raha, but his closest confidant is definitely Urianger. He seems the least judgmental, most open and neutral to any topic for reflection and second opinion of any scion.What is happiness to your WoL?
-Somebody- at all around him, anyone really. Preferably friends, definitely not admirers just because of his deeds. The scion parting left him in quite a state, and no doubt he would've just wandered for a bit.Which is their favorite place to stay/live in Eorzea or outside of it? (nations, territories, etc.) & which is the one they like the less?
Taaban is in love with Ishgard and would have definitely looked for a place there after EW.So people recognize your WOL? How do they respond?
I'd say so. Despite choosing to forgo his silence, he still wears some form of half-mask that covers his lower face. I'd like to imagine that because of this, when he wants to go unnoticed, he simply doesn't wear one and instead wears some false glasses or some such!Who's their partner? Is their relationship kept quiet/public? How do they handle things (reporters/fans/fame) when it comes to being with THE hero of light, savior of all?
Taaban is definitely a G'raha kind of guy and would've made a move to makes things official upon return from the First. He, however, has no interest in making him uncomfortable, so he's a-ok going the public route at G'raha's speed. He would also 100% make jokes about 'having to busy himself fighting rumors from reporters with his time, instead of fighting off the next calamity' if they got super annoying!What's the one rumor following your WoL that's completely false but plagues them nonetheless?
That the real reason he wears some form of lower face cover nearly all the time, even if he now talks, is that he has a hideous facial injury/deformity. Most people in the West don't know of the Qestir, so to them it's just -weird- and must be because of something like that.Which expac gave your WoL the most character growth and how so?
Definitely Stormblood. Going back home gave him a chance to face his old tribe and settle things there. Most shunned him at first as expected, at least until hearing and seeing what he did in Doma and beyond. It unshackled him in terms of guilt for setting off initially.Is your WoL good at lying?
Absolutely not. He's reluctant to talk if the subject requires it, so that gives up the game before he even can!If your WoL was possessed by an ascian, what habits or behaviours being missing would give away the fact that it Isn't Them?
Being excessively verbose. Taaban may speak now, but he's very calculating about his words. Flowery language is a dead giveaway!If you were to look in your WoL's inventory, what would be the 5 most notable things in there?
1: A pouch of caramels, his favorite.
2: A deck of TT cards.
3: A canteen of water or juice.
4: His recent culinary experiment, probably chocolates. He likes giving them out to strangers and friends.
5: Gysahl greens. He loves feeding them to any chocobos he meets.As a trust NPC, what roles could they fill and what would their trust dialogue be like?
Taaban is definitely a tank first, but can DPS it up without hesitation. He might quip about wondering if he could just lob his shield over and over from the back line.Is your WoL the type to seek revenge?
If someone he has become attached to is wronged, oh you bet he'll go to war!Are they good at math?
Not complex stuff, but good at basics. He is also probably good at geometry, practically, because of a lifetime of archery. Billiards/pool, things like that.What kind if drunk is your wol? How much can they drink and how do they behave and talk while drunk?
Without outside influence/party pressure type deal, Taaban is a slow and long drinking type. He's already had one before others show up, and he drinks slow enough that he can drink until after they leave and feel a good, core heat. Definitely not the loud type either!Does your WoL ?
The thing about is that the one time if there seemed to enjoy the singular width of scenarios, but ONLY left a short spell for silent first arrival to greens? Not sure forgetful definite coincidence (when upside came through) home though to become. Perhaps indecisive meet Taaban.If your Azem could give any piece of advice to your WoL/OC, what would it be? It can be about anything!
'The world is wide and varied, and her people wider still. Don't wait so long to trust, to throw yourself into a cause not your own, to love.What you leave behind should be so much more than what you take with you.'Wat kinds of chronic pain does your WoL suffer from?
Taaban has a bad back, but has learned how to hide it very well. Wearing a mask a lot helps with the occasional grimace, but only those that have known him for some time can tell his posture suffers for it.Y'shtola probably knows, since she notices everything!**✨Is your WOL married? If so, how was their wedding and to whom?
✨If not, would they like to marry someday? **
Aside from hearing of others that have done it, Taaban is pretty unfamiliar with marriage as a concept/necessity, so although he'd be open to it, especially as desired by his partner, he'd have to be hit over the head by other scions to start the planning process!What traits do your WoLs/ocs share with their ancient unsundered selves?
Taaban's ease with which he takes on cooking and baking comes from a very skilled Taabazem, who undoubtedly spread culinary knowledge from place to place, mixing up the very face of cuisines as he did.Is your WoL any good in the kitchen?
Taaban is pretty average around regular foods, but he recently ventured into the world of sweets and baked things, where the results have been spectacular. He's often found on a bench snacking on them.Don't make eye contact or he's likely to insistently, yet politely share!Did your WoL want to be a WoL?
Definitely not! He had only intentions of seeing the lands that he'd grown up hearing about, while making enough gil to drift along. He kept at it because it ended up coming to him so naturally every time, and then he grew fond of his new compatriots.What is your WoL/OC's unexpected side hustle or hobby?
Taaban bakes! His culinary side is rather impressive, but he specializes in baked treats, both regular and special!Here’s a WoL/OC question I want to know: Are they forgiving? If someone hurts them do they give 2nd chances? 3rd?
He's forgiving, probably to a fault, but that doesn't mean he crashes head-first into hurt feelings again and again. As the offenses pile up in quantity and severity, his expectations get lower and lower, eventually turning to disinterest and less frequent attempts to trust them.From black pepper to Ifrit's arse, what is your WOL's spice level tolerance? How do they deal with something that's a bit too hot for them to handle?
Taaban can take any heat thrown at him! He frequently snacked on peppers as snacks as a kid, and had his buuz loaded with chili pastes and fruits both!If your WoL wasn't with their pairing, who would they be with? if anyone.
Probably Aymeric, then Urianger. The former, more direct, the latter, more slow burn and hidden.Would your WoL partake in Zodiark's Gysahl greens?
Taaban would, sure, but probably by way of making butter and other things to weave into his cooking. Special treats would be a natural curiosity and eventual piece of his culinary repertoire.What type of crier is your WoL? Loud, ugly-sobbing type, or perhaps it takes far too much to get even a single tear?
Teeth-clenched, holding it back type that will ignore it when the situation still calls for action.If your OC were to be a nameless quest giver what do you think they would be called as?
Quiet, Staring Au Ra. His quest would also be one of those ones without hints because he would just gesture wildly and not make any sense..What did your WoL say before they activated this?
Not a gods damned thing. He couldn't even open his eyes and look up, otherwise his hand might've never loosened.🌼 Flowers seem to be a big deal within FFXIV. They represent many things. They are often considered a sort of language that communicates something. If you were to give your WoL a flower that represented them, which one would it be?
Definitely a sunflower. He's been given a few by friends and strangers alike, so he's learned to cherish them. Lately, he's learned to harvest seeds from them and make oils and such!How do you pronounce your characters name. Type it out and then spell it phonetically. Inform the masses.
Taaban Qestir
Tuh - bon, Kess - tearHow does your WoL act when sick? Are they a good patient? How do they act when other people are sick?
He'll usually adhere to recuperation advice, unless there is a crazily pressing matter that needs his attention, and then he's grouchy.On the flip side, if you're really sick and don't listen to your healer, he will plant a chair outside your door and make sure you rest!What's the best kind of gift to give to your WoL? Practical, non practical, any kind of flowers or sweets or other small things?
Anything hand made is the ticket. Taaban is an excellent cook, but he absolutely loves food or treats made by others. He would probably collect scarves and other hand made wearables too!How is your WoLs body temperature regulation? Can they walk around Ishgard in shorts and flip-flops? Or are they very susceptible to cold? Is their skin always warm or do they hear 'you very cold' a lot? Do they have any habits to cope?
Taaban is excellent with the cold, and prefers it most of the time. He tolerates heat, but doesn't really like sweating from it.What's the most unnatural job for your WoL to play? What's the least suited to them as a person/their combat style?
Probably any of the healing jobs? Taaban is definitely more of the first aid type, rather than magic healing type.What is your WoLs biggest pet peeve?
What's a little thing that drives them bonkers?
Trying to take his mask off without asking, like just grabbing for it is a pretty dire-ish offense. He isn't as opposed to removing it anymore, but just ask, don't be reaching!Does your WoL have an accent? If so what kind, or what does it sound like?
None out of the ordinary, though he does speak in a very calculated way.What lasting effects did light poisoning (ShB) have on your WoL, if any?
It dwells in his eyes, in a more literal sense, making him more susceptible to bright lights and the sunniest of days.Do they know how to flirt or not?
When it's his turn, he can be rather smooth, but when flirted with first, he can be oblivious as hell!Does your WoL know how to use chopsticks?
Like a pro!How well does your WoL sing, and if they choose not to speak, do they hum a lot? Are they tone deaf or do they surprisingly sing well? Do they sing/him around others?
Taaban has come along way from being chosen-mute, but he's still a man of not many words in general. That being said, he's definitely the humming type, and isn't very shy about doing so if people can hear.Whats the one and only thing others can do to make your WOL truly happy?
Make him something.Food, clothing, something done with your own hands will be treated with the utmost respect and cherished.What is your WoL insecure about?
Being seen sleeping.It's his most vulnerable, and he has all manner of imaginations made up about sounds and snoring he thinks he makes. He always gets single inn rooms, and has real trouble sleeping around anyone.If Camp Broken Glass had a physical sign, how long would it take your WoL to cross out the G and L?
Taaban would totally use graphite or something else that was easily cleanable, to try to get people in a more jovial mood. He'd need an accomplice though, probably Thancred, since he seems up for some mischief!What does your wol’s singing sound like? This includes wols that are horrible at singing!
It's actually pretty much exclusively humming, and it's good n deep and near constant except when he's feeling down, so it's a giveaway of his mood!
Which NPC is like found family for your WoL and why?
In terms of core scions, it's absolutely Estinien. He's the epitome of do it rather than say it, and given Taaban's Qestir upbringing, it's given him a lot of respect for Estinien. That said, how often and long he frequently leaves, is a great source of frustration for Taaban. (This is actually at odds with the player, as I really didn't like Estinien's poofing antics and he was near the bottom of my list up until EW, but EW and post has turned him around.)In your WoL/NPC ship, what are some pictures of your WoL that are on their lover’s tomestone?
I could see Taaban being the subject of his other half's online presence, rather than his own that he rarely posts to. Lots of pictures of finished food he's cooked, some of him in the process, and lots of traveling shots that 'look cinematic'."Look out that way, trust me!"Also a few near-eyerolls of Taaban holding Triple Triad trophies in his hands whenever he won, probably with lots of stickers around it lmaoIf you have it so Meteor/Derplander/Default Midlander (whatever you call him) as a canon character in your WoL's lore, how's their relationship with him? Are they friends, rivals? Lovers? How do they interact, if at all?
In Taabaneveryman scenarios, (so mostly every in game RP moment), he's the reason Taaban left the steppe and started talking. He can't do that much kickass, helpful stuff while talking, and not make a Qestir's beliefs crack.It sparked a 'talk, but then pay up for it' mindset.Has there been a time where your WoL's supposedly stoic façade cracked under the pressure through their sheer emotions? What led them to release this heavy weight?
Seeing Alisaie in the first after he was pulled through broke him down. He'd never been very familiar with her, but going through losing everyone else, one by one brought them closer together. He also gave the exarch one hell of a talking to when he was clued in.What is your WoL’s bathtime antics?Are they a gremlin that just washes in the water, no soap and call it a day? Do they use plain animal fat soap of ye old days or do they have an array of bath care products of multiple fragrance and variety up to their mood?
Taaban is a 95% shower kind of guy, and he loves his hot water. He'd use soap, sure, but he isn't very picky on scents/makes. He's also a shampoo everyday type!The Last Stand is naming a signature sandwich after your WoL. What kind of sandwich is it?
Something dessert-ish like this!
What role does your WoL/OC prefer to take in the bedroom?
Top, though that doesn't mean he won't put his hands and mouth to good use as well!How would your Wol describe their sexuality?
Taaban is bi, though he finds himself leaning more toward other guys for casual stuff, and gals in more romantic lights.In one word, how would you describe your WoL physically?
Comfy?Does your WoL play any instruments? How did they get to play them? What's the story behind it and do they enjoy it?
Taaban doesn't play anything, and as such, he gets very day-dreamy/entranced by listening to others play.How is your wol's memory?
Aside from the occasional fumble on fine details, it's rather sparkling!What social media/website would your WoL use the most
Twitter, most definitely, probably for lots of scenic shots!What did you name your chocobo? Was there any significance in character or out of character to it?
Taaban's chocobo is named 'Batuu', an alternative spelling for the Mongolian 'Batu' for 'firm' or 'stable'.How does your WoL sleep? For example:
Cocooned in 7 blankets?
In a weird position?
With their [YOUR WOLSHIP HERE] plush?
With a fan pointed in his general direction, or the window open and no covers, only to grab one and curl up in it at some point in the night. Also, he stays up 2 or 3 days in a row until he's exhausted, and then grabs a casual 12 hours!Does your wol craft? If so which discipline do they practice the most?
Taaban is a master confectioner, and fantastic cook!While recovering from the final fight with Zenos, who comes to visit them? Do they even want/allow visitors?
Taaban was a shut-in for damn near a week and doesn't eat in that same time. He's processing the last few months, and what the future might be, and even after emerging and taking company, he reverts back to his silent self for a week or so more.Did any scion(s) not really mesh with your WoL and vice versa? Did the scion(s)/your WoL end up coming around to them during any expansion?
Taaban and Papalymo were very prickly around each other, more than likely started from Taaban's perception of how he was being perceived in the beginning, which then spiraled into a cyclical thing.He definitely sobered up when it was too late, and still often feels foolish.If your WoL was somehow recruited to the Ascians, what role would they serve in the organization?
100% he'd be reconnaissance and info. A master of staying out of sight, and vanishing quicker from it still. No monologues, no wasted words, just beamyshooshpurpleportal and away!When speaking with Elidibus, did your WoL apologize? What drove you to make your selection here?
Not directly, no, but it would've been one long-pause-preceded 'Thank you', full of meaning enough! With what he knew, that's all that would've been warranted.Maybe with 'ancient' knowledge, he could've been more personable with it?How did your WoL or other characters pick their first job? Did they use the weapon previously or did they pick something random?
Growing up he was always bound to serve as a guard, and taking up a bow was a natural thing. He got scary good with it, and when he came to Eorzea, he rose through the archer's guild with ease. He kept his steppe bow, and shows off his skill whenever anyone suggests upgrading it.What does your WoL/OC like to do during their “downtime”? When they’re not off adventuring or slaying monsters or saving the world, what do they like to do? Fishing? Taking a walk? Helping out the community?
Taaban cooks with most of his time. He has a side job for it, and you can hire him for events and orders. He also loves playing Triple Triad!He also sells edibles often by special order! Fury help whoever taught him about 'specializing' his treats!How's your WoLs love life? Is it good? Is it worthwhile?
As WoL, Taaban is all locked up with G'raha by now and very happy.As Taabanobody, he's single and in no rush! Definitely goes for the occasional hookup now and then though!Who or what can successfully cheer your WoL up after a rough week?
Someone just joining him in whatever he is doing and not pressing him about stuff. Lazing out on the couch? Just plop down next to him. Getting his drink on at an inn? Sit down and drink up. Just be quiet-ish about it!Your WoL gets dragged into a street fight/bar brawl. How are they responding?
Taaban would definitely protect those close to him with fists if need be, but general bar brawl, he's trying to pull people apart and keep them apart.How did you come up with your Wol’s last name? Does it mean something?
It's his tribe's name, very simple!Does your WoL have big boobs (regardless of gender/lack of)
Taaban can sometimes -be- a boob, does that count?Share a useless fact about your OC!
Taaban has double jointed thumbs.Does your WoL give good hugs?
He gives the best hugs!What type of person is your WoL at the beach? Do they bask in the sunlight or do they prefer the shade?
Give Taaban a beach chair, an umbrella for shade, and a cold drink, and he will be maximum content.For non-Warrior of Light’s, what is their job? Local fishermen, delivery, florist, etc?
Regular Tabaan is a skilled chef with a specialty in desserts. He can also tend bar very well!This year, your WoL/OC has joined the many wandering NPCs visiting the Moonfire Faire! What are they up to? Who are they with? Describe their idle animations :)
Taaban is totally either handing out food he's made, or more likely tending bar! He's a warm half-face, and manages to get folks talking like a good bartender does!Eorzea has YouTube now and your WoL has a channel. What would they post?
Triple Triad tutorials, tips and tricks, and a card collecting adventure series.What title do you have on your WoL currently and what reason do you have it there?
'Jack of All Cards' because he's a Triple Triad fiend and really good at it and absolutely plays whenever he can.Is your WoL/OC a dog person or a cat person (or are they an [insert animal] person)?
He's a 'Give me your animal so I can pet them' kind of person!How does your WoL react to the idea of being a spokesperson for a product or service? If they had a favorite restaurant, clothier, armor oil, etc, would they lend their name/status to the promotion of it? What would be the deal maker or breaker for them?
Taaban would do promotional stuff for the Gold Saucer, but only if it pertained to Triple Triad tournaments, something to bring in some real challenge given his skills. 'Come challenge the Warrior of Light!' He'd probably insist it be a charity drive though.How would you describe your WOL/OC's personal hygiene? Do they seldom bathe unless it's absolutely necessary? Are they a complete germaphobe?
Taaban is a shower fiend, preferring them over baths by far. He'll happily spend way too long in a hot one in the winter, or cold one in the summer. In his own house, he has a large walk-in one with a low bench-shelf around the sides to just relax in.Does your WoLship have any combo attacks in combat? How do they conquer the battlefield together?
Specifically, no special attacks, but G'raha can compliment both of his main roles as PLD or RDM, depending on how they're feeling!(Deleted question, pertained to whether WoL died early, or lived long.
Taaban does grow old, but ultimately he and G'raha decide against a full family. He more than likely out lives most of his friends, his love included. His limp gets worse, until he's cane-reliant, at which point he starts to help with bringing up the newest generation of scions. Instead of a family, he and G'raha decide to spend the bulk of their excess savings on a sprawling piece of land and large house that serves as a home and as free lodging for friends and such. Anyone willing to chip in on small chores can earn a comfy bed for the night! It's always a lively place and well taken care of because of the community it forms. That becomes their family.Imagine your WoL going on Hot Ones
Instead of putting a dab on the last wing, Taaban would take a hit straight from the bottle before cleaning that wing.Who brings out the absolute chaotic monster in your WoL? Who gets them wound up and ready to commit mischief, of any level? Who is their enabler?
I'd like to think Emmanellain is the go to prankster friend, and that Taaban and he would've hung out more and bonded in the wake of 'events'. Taaban makes it a point to see him whenever he is in the city, to catch up.Your WoL's at the checkout counter at the drug store, what candy bar are they grabbing?
Either a Twix, or Rolo!What flavor is your WoL's crystal of light?
Lime juicepop.Does your WoL have a big hearty laugh or do they have like a tiny "hehe"
Taaban has a rumbling chuckle! Any regular laughs are if he's caught by surprise, but it's always a bit muffled from the mask!What games would your WoL have on their phone?
Triple Triad Online, some sort of Klondike game, and a colored bubble pop/matching one.How would the past child version of your wol feel about their future self? Are they everything they hoped? Beyond their wildest dreams? Disappointed, or maybe frightened? What would they say to adult them?
Young Taaban would detest older Taaban, and would do everything in his power to ignore him. He bought into the Qestir ways hard while young, and in knowing older him spoke now, younger him would have none of it.Accomplishments and world saving be damned.In Eorzea Academy, what would your WoL/OC be? Teacher, student, other staff? Tell me about them.
Taaban is the cafeteria lunch guy.I'd like to think he goes all out, and whenever foreign exchange students or visitors stop in, they're amazed by the quality of food, and all the regulars are like 'Coq au vin with seasonal fingerling popotoes again??? Ugh.'How does your character show that they care without using words?
Taaban stuffs handcrafted treats and pastries wherever he can. Your pockets, your hands, your backpack your mailbox... His a master reverse pocket picker, leaving candy and sweets everywhere he can.What's your WoL's condiment of choice, regardless of what they're eating?
Taaban likes things hot, so hot sauce! That being said, he has different types for different foods, the man could practically lug around a tacklebox full of hot sauces!What is your OC/WoL's biggest flaw?
Taaban is a profoundly depressed individual that is amazing at masking it, no pun intended. On his own, he's often an absolute wreck, and while he seldom lies, he will absolutely swerve questions about how he's doing, and turn them into other subjects.What does you WoL season their food with? is there any seasonings they avoid?
His own? Hot peppers when applicable. For others, he always makes everything with low spice, then provides cooked peppers and sauces that can mix it up in the heat department if they want.What does your WoL want for starlight!! its holiday shopping season!!!
Make Taaban something! Food, a scarf, a mask, other clothing, decorations for his house! He loves hand made gifts over something bought, but ultimately, if it's purchased, do the gift with him, like go to eat with him and pay, etc!What does your WoL play at the golden saucer? Are they good at it?
Taaban plays Triple Triad and he's excellent at it!What is your WoL/OC's go to McDonalds order?
Taaban would only get a McFlurry!I think this question could say a lot about your character. But how would your beloved WOL eat a Kit Kat bar?
Stick by stick after breaking it apart. To make it last, he'd also try to separate the wafer layers in each bite with his teeth.What's your WoLs opinion on Archon loaf? Are they one of the little few who actually like it? Or are they with the majority and hate it?
Taaban respects the choice of liking it by those that do, but wouldn't eat it, or make it. The lack of flavor and options would feel too restraining to him.If a toddler handed them toy phone what would they do?
Taaban is 100% answering, with an extended array of 'Hmm?'s, 'Mmhmm's, and 'Mmm's.Your WoL/OC is visiting the Gold Saucer, what's the activity they're most excited for and/or skilled at?
Taaban will usually do his free scratchers, then play a few hands of Triple Triad. Occasionally, he'll spend select afternoons there facing anyone willing to challenge him, as part of an 'appearance' arrangement with Godbert.Yep, that’s right. It’s your WoL's time on the stage. Time for some karaoke! What are they singing? Are they dragging someone to sing with them? Do they try to escape? Are they any good? 🎤🎤🎶🎶
Taaban would Displacement himself out the nearest window and flee before anyone could drag him up there!How soon after All Saints does your WoL get into the festive spirit for Starlight? Any major plans or is it a quiet time of year for them?
Taaban tears his costume off in one piece to reveal his festive clothing already on underneath!Does your WoL wear high heels? How skilled are they at moving/fighting in high heels? Any funny stories? Show me their favorite pair of shoes!
They make RDM footwork a breeze!What game or genre of game would your WoL enjoy?
Taaban 100% has tons of hours in Stardew Valley type games!When was your WoL at their lowest during Endwalker?
Taaban isolated himself for many days after the Ragnarok got home and all of the celebrations died down. Life going back to normal was not something he was prepared for, and post EW patch story came after a hearty pestering campaign by the scions, to get him out of his head.What was your WoL doing after 6.0 and before 6.1?
Brewing quite the pot of depresso!How does your WoL celebrate their birthday/nameday, if at all?
Taaban likes having friends around, and usually he still cooks because he just likes to, but the best birthdays are when others cook for him!If your WoL was a content creator, what would be their main focus?
Taaban would do either cooking streaming, or Triple Triad videos with minimal chatter, ala Primitive Technology!